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Journal Articles:

Martello, M. V. & Whittle, A. J. (2023). Climate Change Adaptation Planning for a Rail Transit Line through Multicriteria Decision Analysis. ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering. 

Martello, M. V., Whittle, A. J., Oddo, P. C., & De Neufville, R. (2023). Real options analysis for valuation of climate adaptation pathways with application to transit infrastructure. Risk Analysis, risa.14218. 

Martello, M. V. & Whittle, A. J. (2023). Estimating coastal flood damage costs to transit infrastructure under future sea level rise. Communications Earth & Environment.

Martello, M. V. & Whittle, A. J. (2023). Discount Rate Selection in Climate Change and Coastal Adaptation Planning. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering.

Martello, M. V., Whittle, A. J., & Lyons-Galante, H.R. (2023). Depth-Damage Curves for Rail Rapid Transit Infrastructure. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 

Whittle, A.J., Martello, M.V., Bastian, L., Soemitro, R.A.A., Satrya, T.R., Warnana, D.D., & Maulana, M.A. (2022). Analysis of staged construction of containment levees for Sidoarjo Mudflow. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148(7), 05022002.

Martello, M. V., Whittle, A. J., Keenan, J. M., & Salvucci, F. P. (2021). Evaluation of climate change resilience for Boston’s rail rapid transit network. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 97, 102908. 

Book Chapters:

Martello, M.V. & Whittle, A.J. (2023). Climate-resilient transportation infrastructure in coastal cities. In Torgal, F.P., & Goran-Granvist, C.G. (Eds.) Adapting the Built Environment for Climate Change: Design Principles for Climate Emergencies. Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier). 


Martello, M.V. (2023). Climate Change Adaptation Planning and Decision Making for Transit Infrastructure. [Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. 

Martello, M.V. (2020). Resilience of Rapid Transit Networks in the Context of Climate Change. [Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. 

Conference Papers and Presentations:

Martello, M. V., & Whittle, A. J. (2021). Hydraulic Modelling for Flood Risk Management of Underground Infrastructure Systems. ASCE International Conference for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI) 2021, 25. 

Ieronymaki, E.S., Whittle, A.J., & Martello, M.V. (2018). An empirical design tool to predict ground surface response to tunneling with TBM. Proceedings, WTC 2018, Dubai. Retrieved from: 

Government Reports:

United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). (Sept. 2022). NY & NJ Harbor & Tributaries Focus Area Feasibility Study (HATS) Draft Feasibility Report and Integrated Tier 1 EIS. USACE NY District. 

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). (2022). Climate Change Coastal Flood Vulnerability Screening of MBTA Commuter Rail Facilities and Parking Lots. MassDOT. 

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). (2022). Climate Change Coastal Flood Vulnerability Screening of MBTA Rolling Stock. MassDOT.

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). (2020). Climate Change Coastal Flood Vulnerability Summary of MBTA Bus Facilities. MassDOT. 

Advocacy Reports:

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York Section (ASCE). (2022). Report Card for New York State Infrastructure 2022 (Transit Section). ASCE.